Humility Before Honor


"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time."
- 1 Peter 5:6 (NIV)

In a world that often values self-promotion, pride, and assertiveness, the concept of humility can seem counterintuitive. Yet, as followers of Christ, we are called to humble ourselves before God. This verse reminds us that true strength and success come not from exalting ourselves, but from submitting to God's will and trusting in His timing.

Humility isn't just a virtue; it's a pathway to God's grace and favor. Peter's exhortation to "humble yourselves" underlines a deep truth about the Christian life: the way up is down. It’s a paradox that runs counter to the world’s understanding of success and elevation.

To humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand means to acknowledge His sovereignty in our lives. It's recognizing that His wisdom far surpasses ours, and His timing is perfect. This act of humility isn't a one-time event but a continual posture of the heart. It's choosing to trust God even when our circumstances seem overwhelming or when we feel overlooked and unappreciated.

The promise that follows this call to humility is one of great hope: "that He may lift you up in due time." God knows the perfect time to exalt us. It may not align with our expectations or timelines, but it will always be in accordance with His perfect plan.

Humbling ourselves under God’s hand doesn't mean we downplay our worth or gifts; rather, it means surrendering them to His control. It's about trusting that He knows how and when to bring about the elevation that will glorify Him and fulfill His purposes in our lives. When we humble ourselves before God, we acknowledge His sovereignty and wisdom in our lives. We recognize that He is in control and that His plans for us far exceed our own. Humility allows us to let go of our need for control and to trust in God's perfect timing and provision.

But humility does not mean weakness or passivity. On the contrary, it requires great strength and courage to surrender our will to God's and to trust in His plans for us. When we humble ourselves before God, we open ourselves up to His grace, His guidance, and His blessings.

As you go through your day, ask yourself: In what areas do I need to humble myself before God? Are there places where I’ve been trying to lift myself up, rather than waiting on His timing? Remember, when we choose humility, we position ourselves to receive the fullness of God's grace and favor.

Let us strive to cultivate a spirit of humility in our lives. Let us seek to be like Christ, who humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death on a cross. And as we humble ourselves before God, may we trust in His promise that He will lift us up in due time.

Father, thank You for reminding me of the importance of humility. Help me to surrender every part of my life to Your mighty hand, trusting that You will lift me up in Your perfect timing. Give me the grace to wait on You and to seek Your glory above my own. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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