Transformation Tracks

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Transformation Tracks are designed to help guide you in the discovery of what God has designed you for. Life is so much better when you know your purpose and the life God created for you to live. Transformation Tracks are made up of three short classes that equip you to do the following:
1. Connect to the church.
2. Discover your strengths and gifts that God has given you.
3. Develop those God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.
Track One
Becoming a member of Transformation
Track Two
Discovering your gifts
Track Three
Serve where your gifts lead
TRACK ONE will introduce you to Transformation Church. You will learn the ins and outs of the church, details about our beliefs, our leadership, and church government. You will learn how we handle money and how we intentionally structured the church. Another piece you will learn about is becoming a member of Transformation Church!

TRACK ONE is offered the first Sunday of every month.
In TRACK TWO, you will learn details about your personality (why you do what you do) and you will discover the spiritual gifts God has chosen for you. This information will help you begin the journey of discovering what God has designed you for and how you can use this to impact the lives of others.

TRACK TWO takes place on the second Sunday of every month. 
In TRACK THREE, you will find out what it means to make a difference with Transformation and connect to the ministries and opportunities that are available for you. This will give you the chance to live out the life that God has designed just for you by serving others and using your unique God-given gifts.

TRACK THREE is offered on the third Sunday of every month.  
Have You Completed Transformation Tracks?
Yes - What Are You Waiting For? Sign Up To Be On A Team Today. (See Below)
No - Let Us Know How We Can Help You Complete Them.

How to Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

God has given each of us unique gifts and talents to serve His church and build His kingdom. These gifts are not meant to be kept hidden or used solely for personal gain, but rather to be shared and utilized for the greater good. Serving the church is not just a duty, but a privilege and an opportunity to use your gifts to glorify God and bless others. There are so many areas to serve!
After you have completed your Transformation Tracks, simply click on the application below. 

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.