Behold, the Lamb of God
“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’”
- John 1:29 NIV
Imagine standing on the banks of the Jordan River, the air filled with anticipation. John the Baptist, the fiery prophet who had been calling people to repentance, suddenly pauses as he sees Jesus approaching. And then he declares these profound words: “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
This single sentence holds the weight of all redemptive history. John’s audience would have immediately recognized the significance of the Lamb. For centuries, the Jewish people had sacrificed lambs as part of their worship. Whether in the daily temple offerings or the annual Passover, which commemorated God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt. The blood of the lamb had marked the doorposts, causing the angel of death to pass over their homes, sparing them from judgment.
Now, John was pointing to Jesus as the Lamb, not just any lamb, but God’s Lamb. Not an animal offered repeatedly in the temple, but a once-for-all sacrifice who would take away sin forever. This was not a lamb provided by human hands but one divinely chosen before the foundation of the world.
Jesus didn’t come to merely cover sin, as the Old Testament sacrifices did; He came to remove it completely. His sacrifice would be sufficient, eternal, and universal. This declaration of John was both a prophetic announcement and a divine invitation: Look! Fix your eyes on Jesus, the only one who can take away your sin.
What does it mean to behold the Lamb of God in your daily life?
It means trusting in His finished work on the cross rather than striving for self-righteousness.
It means laying down your burdens of guilt and shame, knowing that Jesus has carried them away.
It means worshiping with gratitude because His sacrifice was for you.
No matter your past, no matter your struggles, Jesus is the Lamb who was slain for your redemption. Look to Him today, not just as a distant historical figure, but as the living Savior who has taken away your sin.
Behold the Lamb today, and walk in His grace.
Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son as the perfect Lamb who takes away my sin. Help me to truly behold Him in every part of my life. Teach me to trust in His sacrifice, to rest in His grace, and to live in the freedom He has provided. May I point others to the Lamb, just as John did, so they too can know the life-changing power of Jesus. In His holy name, Amen.
Pastor Jeff
#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign
“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’”
- John 1:29 NIV
Imagine standing on the banks of the Jordan River, the air filled with anticipation. John the Baptist, the fiery prophet who had been calling people to repentance, suddenly pauses as he sees Jesus approaching. And then he declares these profound words: “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
This single sentence holds the weight of all redemptive history. John’s audience would have immediately recognized the significance of the Lamb. For centuries, the Jewish people had sacrificed lambs as part of their worship. Whether in the daily temple offerings or the annual Passover, which commemorated God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt. The blood of the lamb had marked the doorposts, causing the angel of death to pass over their homes, sparing them from judgment.
Now, John was pointing to Jesus as the Lamb, not just any lamb, but God’s Lamb. Not an animal offered repeatedly in the temple, but a once-for-all sacrifice who would take away sin forever. This was not a lamb provided by human hands but one divinely chosen before the foundation of the world.
Jesus didn’t come to merely cover sin, as the Old Testament sacrifices did; He came to remove it completely. His sacrifice would be sufficient, eternal, and universal. This declaration of John was both a prophetic announcement and a divine invitation: Look! Fix your eyes on Jesus, the only one who can take away your sin.
What does it mean to behold the Lamb of God in your daily life?
It means trusting in His finished work on the cross rather than striving for self-righteousness.
It means laying down your burdens of guilt and shame, knowing that Jesus has carried them away.
It means worshiping with gratitude because His sacrifice was for you.
No matter your past, no matter your struggles, Jesus is the Lamb who was slain for your redemption. Look to Him today, not just as a distant historical figure, but as the living Savior who has taken away your sin.
Behold the Lamb today, and walk in His grace.
Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son as the perfect Lamb who takes away my sin. Help me to truly behold Him in every part of my life. Teach me to trust in His sacrifice, to rest in His grace, and to live in the freedom He has provided. May I point others to the Lamb, just as John did, so they too can know the life-changing power of Jesus. In His holy name, Amen.
Pastor Jeff
#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign
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