Posts with the category “courage”

Imitating What Is Good
by Pastor Jeff on February 17th, 2025
02/17/2025“Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.”– 3 John 1:11 (NIV)John’s letter to Gaius is filled with encouragement and warnings. He commends Gaius for his faithfulness and generosity but also warns him about a man named Diotrephes, who is self-seeking and rejects godly authority. Agai...  Read More
A Friend Who Loves at All Times
by Pastor Jeff on February 14th, 2025
02/14/2025“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.”— Proverbs 17:17 (NIV)True friendship is a rare and precious gift. In a world where relationships are often transactional, where people come and go based on convenience. Today’s verse, Proverbs 17:17 calls us to a higher standard of love and loyalty.“A friend loves at all times.” Not just in good times, when lau...  Read More
Overcoming Evil with Good
by Pastor Jeff on February 12th, 2025
02/12/2025“Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”— Luke 6:28 (NIV)Jesus’ words in this verse are radical, challenging, and, at times, deeply uncomfortable. When someone wrongs us, our natural reaction is often to defend ourselves, retaliate, or harbor resentment. Yet, Christ calls us to something higher, or a response rooted not in human nature but in divine love.To “bless” t...  Read More
You Are the Light of the World
by Pastor Jeff on January 27th, 2025
01/27/2025“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”- Matthew 5:14 (NIV)When Jesus spoke these words during His Sermon on the Mount, He was addressing ordinary people; fishermen, laborers, and others from humble beginnings. Yet, He called them something extraordinary: the light of the world.Think about that for a moment. Light is vital. It illuminates the darkness, ...  Read More
A House Divided
by Pastor Jeff on January 26th, 2025
01/26/2025“If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” – Mark 3:25 (NIV)Jesus spoke the words in today’s verse in response to the accusations that He was driving out demons by the power of Satan. His point was clear: unity is essential for strength and purpose, whether in a family, a church, or even in the unseen spiritual realm. A house divided cannot thrive—it will crumble un...  Read More
Proclaiming His Glory to All
by Pastor Jeff on January 19th, 2025
01/19/2025“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” – 1 Chronicles 16:24 (NIV)Take a moment and imagine the resounding joy of David’s celebration. The ark of the covenant, the symbol of God’s presence, was being brought to Jerusalem, and David burst into worship. This wasn’t just a private moment; it was an invitation for everyone to join in declaring God’s grea...  Read More
Held by His Hand
by Pastor Jeff on January 14th, 2025
01/14/2025“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”– Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)Isaiah 41:13 is a gentle yet powerful reminder of God’s intimate care for His people. The image of God taking hold of our right hand evokes a picture of a loving parent guiding a child. It speaks of His closeness, His protection, and His unwavering commitment t...  Read More
Resting in God’s Rhythm
by Pastor Jeff on January 11th, 2025
01/11/20225“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” – Exodus 20:8 (NIV)In the middle of the Ten Commandments, nestled between instructions about our relationship with God and others, we find this command to “remember the Sabbath day.” It’s not merely a suggestion but a divine invitation to step out of the chaos of life and into the peace of God’s presence.The word remember is significant. It...  Read More
Pleasing God, Not People
by Pastor Jeff on January 3rd, 2025
01/03/2025“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”- Galatians 1:10 (NIV)In this verse, Paul confronts a critical question: Who are we living to please—God or people? It’s as if he draws a line in the sand, challenging both himself and his readers to consider who tr...  Read More
Loving God with All Your Heart, Soul, and Mind
by Pastor Jeff on December 9th, 2024
12/09/2024“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’”– Matthew 22:37 (NIV)Jesus’ response in Matthew 22:37 calls us to a radical and complete devotion to God. This command encapsulates the very essence of our faith and purpose as His creation. To truly love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, we must consider what this looks like...  Read More
United in Mind and Purpose
by Pastor Jeff on November 2nd, 2024
11/2/2024“I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”– 1 Corinthians 1:10 (NIV)Paul’s words to the Corinthian church speak to a universal need: unity within the body of Christ. In Corinth, there was tension and divi...  Read More
Hope, Patience, and Prayer
by Pastor Jeff on October 23rd, 2024
10/23/2024“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”- Romans 12:12 (NIV)In his letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul, presents a simple yet heartfelt call to live out our faith. This short verse carries three powerful imperatives: hope, patience, and prayer. Each speaks to a vital area of Christian living, especially in times of hardship.Be joyful in hopeHope, as believers, i...  Read More
Trusting God with Your Finances
by Pastor Jeff on October 17th, 2024
10/17/2024“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)Malachi 3:10 is one of the few places in Scripture where God explicitly invites us to “test” Him. This verse sp...  Read More
Answering the Call
by Pastor Jeff on October 12th, 2024
10/12/2024“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’ “- Isaiah 6:8 (NIV)Today we find a powerful moment of personal surrender. Isaiah has just experienced a supernatural encounter with God, a vision of His holiness, majesty, and glory in the temple. In response to God’s overwhelming presence, Isaiah realizes his own un...  Read More
The Power of Prayer in Every Season
by Pastor Jeff on September 12th, 2024
9/12/2024"Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise." - James 5:13 (NIV)In this single verse, James gives us a profound but simple call to action: in every season of life—whether in trouble or joy—we are to turn to God. James is encouraging us to bring everything to the Lord, whether it be our burdens or our blessings. Let’s explore what this loo...  Read More
God's Faithfulness in Our Trials
by Pastor Jeff on August 19th, 2024
8/19/2024"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."- 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)Temptation is a universal experience. It’s something every person faces, regardless of their faith or life situation. However, the assu...  Read More
The Good Fight of Faith
by Pastor Jeff on July 27th, 2024
7/27/2024"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses."— 1 Timothy 6:12 (NIV)As believers, we are called to engage in the good fight of faith. This isn't a call to physical battle but a spiritual struggle against doubt, fear, and the temptations of this world. This fight is against th...  Read More
The Benefit of Standing Firm
by Pastor Jeff on July 6th, 2024
7/6/2024"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."- 1 Corinthians 15:58 NIVIn this verse, Paul concludes his profound teaching on the resurrection by encouraging believers to remain steadfast and immovable. The resurrection of Christ is the foundation...  Read More
Standing Firm in Faith
by Pastor Jeff on June 27th, 2024
6/27/2024"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings."- 1 Peter 5:8-9 (NIV)It's easy to become complacent or distracted in our faith, but these verses serve as a wake-up call to st...  Read More
The Joy of a Righteous Legacy
by Pastor Jeff on June 16th, 2024
6/16/2024The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him.— Proverbs 23:24 (NIV)As parents, we all desire for our children to grow up to be righteous and wise individuals. We want to see them make good choices, live a life pleasing to God, and succeed in all that they do. This verse reminds us of the great joy and pride that comes from having a child who ...  Read More
No God Like The Lord
by Pastor Jeff on May 22nd, 2024
5/22/2024"There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God." — 1 Samuel 2:2 (NIV)In this verse, Hannah, the mother of Samuel, lifts a song of praise to God, exalting His unique holiness and unmatched strength. Her prayer reflects a profound recognition of God's incomparable nature. As we meditate on this scripture, we are invited to consider the distin...  Read More
Loyalty Beyond Measure
by Pastor Jeff on May 11th, 2024
5/11/2024"But Ruth replied, 'Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.'"- Ruth 1:16 NIVIn this poignant verse, we witness Ruth's unwavering loyalty and commitment to her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth makes a powerful declaration to her mother-in-law. Her words echo a profound devotion...  Read More
Buckle Up and Prepare
by Pastor Jeff on April 4th, 2024
4/4/2024“Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” - Ephesians 6:14-15 ESVIn the spiritual warfare we face daily, God equips us with divine armor to stand firm against the schemes of the enemy. Ephesians 6:14-15 highlights three crucial pieces of ...  Read More
Finding Strength in God's Promises
by Pastor Jeff on March 8th, 2024
3/8/2024"Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."- Joshua 1:9 (ESV)Life can often feel like an uphill battle, filled with challenges and uncertainties. In these moments, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, afraid, or uncertain about what lies ahead. But God's message to Joshua is just as relevant for us today.When God te...  Read More
You Cannot Be Healed of The Things That You Hide
by Pastor Jeff on February 29th, 2024
2/29/2024"Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."- Psalm 139:23-24 (ESV)Do you truly open your heart to God in prayer, speaking honestly and transparently? Many wrestle with this challenge, often withholding certain truths or sins, selectively sharing only what feels comfortable. It's common ...  Read More
The Overwhelming Mercy of God
by Pastor Jeff on February 8th, 2024
2/8/2024"Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love." - Micah 7:18 ESVIn the book of Micah, we are reminded of the merciful and compassionate nature of our God, who forgives our sins and delights in steadfast love. This verse captures the overwhelming mercy ...  Read More
The Advent of Faith, Hope and Love
by Pastor Jeff on December 9th, 2023
12/09/2023"So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."- 1 Corinthians 13:13 ESVAs we end this first week of Advent, let’s remember this is a season of joyful anticipation and preparation for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Each Advent candle we light represents the virtues that shine brightly in the life of Christ and guide us in our own spiritual jo...  Read More
Embracing Advent with Courage and Trust
by Pastor Jeff on December 5th, 2023
12/05/2023"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you."- Deuteronomy 31:6 (ESV)As we enter into the season of Advent, we are reminded of the anticipation and longing for the coming of Christ. This time of preparation is not only a reflection on the birth of our Savior but also an opportunity to r...  Read More



