Trusting God with Your Finances


“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”
- Malachi 3:10 (NIV)

Malachi 3:10 is one of the few places in Scripture where God explicitly invites us to “test” Him. This verse speaks to the amazing connection between faith and generosity. Tithing, or giving a portion of our income back to God, is more than an act of charity, it’s an act of trust. God promises to bless those who faithfully bring their tithe to Him, not just financially, but in countless other areas of life.

Imagine you are a farmer in ancient Israel. Your tithe isn’t just money, but grain from your fields. Bringing the “whole tithe” to God meant trusting that you would still have enough to feed your family, plant for the next season, and provide for your future. Today, we may not be farmers, but the same principle applies. Giving to God can feel risky, especially when bills are high or income is low. Yet, this passage challenges us to put our trust in God’s provision.

I will have to admit that my wife and I did not tithe in the past. Sure we were givers, but never fully committed to the tithe. However, after hearing a lesson on God’s money, which by they way said He owns it all anyway, we decided to take God at His word. We began tithing faithfully, even though it seemed impossible. Within a few months, unexpected blessings started coming our way. My business took off, debt was paid off, our cars needed fewer repairs, everything lightened, our financial burdens, gone. While the blessings were not all monetary, we experienced firsthand that God provides in surprising ways.

Tithing is a tangible way we demonstrate our trust in God. It’s a spiritual discipline that reminds us everything we have belongs to Him. When we give, we are saying, “God, I trust You to meet my needs.”

The challenge of Malachi 3:10 is a direct invitation to test God’s faithfulness. Are there areas in your life where you struggle to trust God, especially with your finances? Pray today about how you can take a step of faith in giving. Trust that God is more than able to meet your needs and pour out blessings you cannot contain.

Todays message is a reminder that God’s provision is tied to our faith in action. As you reflect on this verse today, consider how you can test God in this area, knowing that He is faithful to pour out blessings when we honor Him with our finances.

Lord, thank You for being a faithful provider. Help me to trust You with every aspect of my life, especially my finances. Teach me to give generously, knowing that You will meet all my needs according to Your riches in glory. I take You at Your word today, believing that You will pour out blessings beyond measure as I trust You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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