Living a Life of Humility and Service


“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.”
– Philippians 2:3 (NIV)

In our world, self-promotion, personal success, and the quest for validation are everywhere. From social media highlights to career ambitions, it’s easy to fall into a mindset focused on advancing ourselves. But Philippians 2:3 calls us to a different path, one of humility, and valuing others above ourselves. This verse challenges us to live in a way that puts others first, not for recognition, but as an act of true, selfless love.

Think for a moment of your workplace: a project is up for grabs, and it’s a significant opportunity for promotion. You know you have the skills and experience to do a great job, but so does your colleague, who has been going through a tough time and could really benefit from the opportunity. Applying Philippians 2:3 here would mean willingly stepping back, encouraging your colleague, and supporting them in the role.

This doesn’t mean you’re neglecting your talents or failing to seek growth. Instead, you’re demonstrating humility by valuing another person’s needs, even when it requires personal sacrifice. True humility involves asking, “How can I serve others today?” rather than, “What’s in it for me?” And don’t think for one moment your Heavenly Father won’t see your humility and bless you for it.

When our girls were growing up that participated in various 4-H projects. There were times that their talents and abilities far outshined their competitors but the judge did not select them. Don’t get me wrong, my girls won, a lot. But in these times we taught them that the person who won may have needed this moment more than them. We don’t know what they are dealing with or what they are going through.

Today, look for ways to serve others and lift them up without expecting anything in return. This might be as simple as letting someone go ahead of you in line, listening to a friend without interrupting, or giving credit to a team member who did a great job. These small acts can have a profound impact and reflect Christ’s love.

Consider one area in your life where you might be acting out of personal ambition or pride. Make a conscious effort today to shift your focus and find a way to serve others in that space. Let Philippians 2:3 shape your actions and interactions.

Lord, help me to let go of selfish ambitions and conceit. Teach me to put others above myself, to love and serve as You have called me. Give me the humility to see others as You do and to value them more than my own desires. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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