Embracing Christ’s Peace


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
- John 14:27 (NIV)

In this verse, Jesus assures us of a peace that is uniquely His own, a peace that transcends our circumstances. As He prepared His disciples for His departure, Jesus knew the trials and challenges they would face. Yet, instead of leaving them feeling abandoned, He left them with a promise of peace. This peace is not like anything the world offers. The world’s peace often depends on external conditions, circumstances must be “just right” for us to feel it. But Jesus offers a deeper, internal peace that anchors us, no matter what storms we face.

Imagine you’re going through a difficult season, maybe a health scare, a financial struggle, or a strained relationship. The world might offer temporary relief: distractions, reassurances from others, or even material comforts. But these are fleeting and, ultimately, cannot truly calm the storms in our souls. In contrast, Christ’s peace remains with us, grounding us even when we don’t know the outcomes or when life feels out of control.

Let me share the story of Corrie ten Boom, a Christian who survived a Nazi concentration camp. She describes how, even in the darkest and most horrifying moments, God’s peace sustained her. She could not control her circumstances, but she could cling to the presence of Christ, who walked with her. That peace didn’t take away her suffering, but it did give her a profound inner strength to endure.

So, what are the areas of your life where you feel a lack of peace? Bring these before God in prayer, asking for His unique peace to enter those places of worry and fear. Reflect on the truth that Jesus’s peace isn’t like the world’s—it’s a peace that stands firm regardless of what’s going on around you.

Let Jesus’s words be a reminder to you. He has given us this peace as a gift. Accept it, trust in it, and lean into His presence. You don’t have to solve every problem or predict every outcome to experience His peace. Let go of your fears today, and embrace the calm that only He can provide.

Dear Jesus, thank You for giving me a peace that the world cannot provide. In the face of fear, anxiety, or uncertainty, help me to rely on Your presence and strength. Quiet my troubled heart and remind me that You are with me. Let Your peace guide me through today, helping me to trust and rest in You. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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