Whose Approval Do You Seek?


“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
- Galatians 1:10 (NIV)

In today’s verse, Paul brings us face-to-face with a question that’s both timeless and deeply personal: Are we living for the applause of others, or the approval of God? Paul’s message is clear, he’s choosing to live as a servant of Christ, even if that means disappointing others or standing alone.

Think of times when the world’s expectations clashed with your faith. Maybe it was a work decision, a family issue, or standing up for what you believe. When we live for human approval, it’s easy to drift away from our convictions, often compromising to keep the peace. But when we live with a heart solely devoted to Christ, we make choices that reflect Him, even when they are unpopular or misunderstood.

Imagine yourself as a young professional in a high-powered corporate environment, where ethics are often ignored for profit. You have the skills to climb the ladder quickly, but you’re unwilling to compromise your integrity for recognition or advancement. Your colleagues may call you “old-fashioned” or “rigid,” but your allegiance is to God, not their opinions. Though it may cost you promotions, you remain steadfast, knowing your choices are pleasing to God. Like Paul, you are more concerned with serving Christ than impressing your peers.

Here are a few thought provoking questions for you.

What choices or sacrifices might you need to make to prioritize God’s approval over human approval?

Have you ever felt pressured to compromise your beliefs to fit in or gain acceptance? How did you respond?

Today, notice any situations where you’re tempted to act for approval or acceptance. Pause and ask yourself: Does this align with who God calls me to be? Then make a choice that reflects God’s truth and love, regardless of how others might view it.

Lord, help me to live a life that honors You above all else. Strengthen me to stand firm when others challenge my beliefs. Let my heart seek Your approval, not the applause of this world. Teach me to be content in serving You, knowing that my identity is found in Christ alone. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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