He Made Us Wonderful


For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
– Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV)

Psalm 139 is a beautiful reminder of God’s intimate involvement in each of our lives. When David says, “You created my inmost being,” he acknowledges that God’s work in him began long before he ever took a breath. The phrase “knit me together” paints a picture of God carefully, thoughtfully, and lovingly crafting each one of us. We are not mass-produced but uniquely designed by the Creator Himself.

Imagine a skilled artist at work, carefully selecting colors, textures, and shapes to create a masterpiece. Each choice reflects the artist’s vision, intent, and love for the creation. Likewise, God chose each detail of our being, our personality, our gifts, our strengths, and even our weaknesses. Just as a knit garment is formed stitch by stitch, our Creator was intentional in forming every cell, every trait, and every unique aspect of who we are.

Here are three examples on how to apply this to our lives.


Embrace yourself as God’s creation. So often, we are our harshest critics, finding flaws and imperfections in what God calls “wonderful.” Instead of focusing on what you wish were different, meditate on how God has intentionally crafted you. Thank Him for those unique aspects, even if you don’t fully understand them yet. Ask yourself: What if I chose to see myself as God sees me, fearfully and wonderfully made?

Purposeful Living

Knowing that we are God’s masterpiece inspires us to live with purpose. When an artist creates, they have a specific purpose for each piece. Likewise, God has embedded purpose within each of us. Consider how your personality, skills, and passions could be expressions of God’s design. Is there a gift or a talent you haven’t fully embraced, thinking it was insignificant? Today, let this verse encourage you to seek ways to use your God-given uniqueness to serve others.

Be Encouraging To Others

Remember that everyone around you is also fearfully and wonderfully made. When you feel tempted to criticize or judge, recall that they, too, are a masterpiece of God’s design. How might you affirm others in their uniqueness? A simple compliment or word of encouragement can remind someone of their worth in God’s eyes.

Take some time today to reflect on how God has intricately woven His love, care, and purpose into who you are. When doubts or insecurities arise, remember: you are His masterpiece, crafted with intention and loved beyond measure.

Dear Lord, thank You for creating me with such care and love. Help me to see myself as You see me, as fearfully and wonderfully made. Teach me to embrace who I am, to use my gifts and abilities to honor You, and to encourage others in their uniqueness. May my life reflect Your love and purpose. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod  #LovePeople  #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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