A Deep Hunger for Righteousness


“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”
— Matthew 5:6 (NIV)

What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness? Jesus speaks of a deep, intense longing, not just a casual interest. Hunger and thirst are primal needs, we cannot survive without food and water. In the same way, a desire for righteousness should be central to our spiritual lives. It’s about seeking a relationship with God and striving to live according to His will in every aspect of our lives.

Righteousness here is not just about personal moral integrity, though that’s important. It’s also about seeking justice, peace, and God’s will in the world around us. It’s pursuing God’s way of living both internally and externally. To hunger and thirst for righteousness means we don’t settle for anything less than God’s best in our personal lives, relationships, and society.

Let’s look at these three things today.

Personal Righteousness

Imagine a person who consistently makes time for prayer and Bible study, not out of obligation but from a deep longing to know God more intimately. They prioritize their spiritual growth above everything else, much like someone who would prioritize food and water when starving. They evaluate their decisions and actions by asking, “Does this please God?” and they continually strive to reflect Christ in their character. This hunger for righteousness leads to transformation and deeper fulfillment in their walk with God.

Righteousness in Relationships

Consider a scenario where you’ve been wronged. Hungering for righteousness in this context means pursuing reconciliation and forgiveness, even when it’s hard. Instead of seeking revenge or harboring resentment, you seek to resolve the conflict in a way that honors God. This might mean letting go of your pride, being the first to apologize, or showing grace to someone who doesn’t deserve it. You’re choosing God’s way over your own, which leads to true peace.

Righteousness in Society

Finally, think of someone who sees injustice in their community, maybe in the form of poverty, discrimination, or violence. Hungering and thirsting for righteousness would drive them to act. They might volunteer, advocate, or donate to causes that align with God’s heart for justice. They won’t rest until they see change, and they trust that in their pursuit of righteousness, God will use them to bring about transformation.

Is your longing for righteousness as intense as your physical hunger and thirst? Jesus promises that those who seek God’s way with that kind of intensity will be filled. Today, take time to examine your heart. Are there areas where you’ve settled for less than God’s best? Ask God to deepen your hunger for His righteousness and trust in His promise that He will fill you.

Lord, help me to hunger and thirst for Your righteousness above all else. Don’t let me settle for anything less than Your will for my life. Give me a deep desire to know You more, to live in a way that honors You, and to pursue justice in the world around me. Fill me, Lord, as You have promised. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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