Living Out What We’ve Learned


“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
- Philippians 4:9 (NIV)

In this verse, Paul urges the Philippian believers not just to absorb spiritual truths, but to actively live them out. He provides a clear formula: observe, learn, and then practice. When we put into action the teachings we receive, the result is a deeper experience of God’s peace.

Learning Through Example
Paul offers his own life as a model of faith. He doesn’t just teach with words but through action. He calls the church to follow not just his teaching, but his lifestyle. For us, this serves as a reminder that the Christian life is meant to be lived, not merely discussed.

Think of someone in your life who exemplifies strong faith. Perhaps it’s a mentor, a friend, or a family member who consistently lives in alignment with God’s Word. Their prayers, responses to challenges, and daily choices serve as a living example of what it means to follow Christ. Just as Paul modeled faith for the Philippians, God places people in our lives to show us what living out His Word looks like.

Putting Truth into Practice
It’s easy to fall into the trap of being a listener of the Word without translating it into action. Maybe you attend church, participate in Bible studies, and read devotionals, but how often do you intentionally apply what you’ve learned?

For example, if you’ve been studying the concept of forgiveness, how might you forgive someone who has wronged you, even if it’s hard? Or if you’ve been learning about generosity, how can you give more freely in your community? Taking small steps to act on these lessons is how we embody the faith we profess.

The Promise of Peace
Paul ends this verse with a beautiful promise: “the God of peace will be with you.” This isn’t a superficial peace, but a deep, abiding sense of God’s presence, even amid life’s trials. When we put into practice what we’ve learned, we are living in alignment with God’s will, and His peace fills our hearts.

Here are a few questions for you to think about today.

What lessons have you learned from Scripture, sermons, or godly examples that you feel called to put into practice right now?

Are there areas of your life where you are more of a listener than a doer of God’s Word?

What steps can you take to change that? Who has been a model of faith in your life, and what qualities or actions from their example inspire you to live more like Christ?

How does the promise of God’s peace encourage you when you take action to live out your faith?

In what specific situations this week can you consciously apply something you’ve learned from God’s Word?

Reflect on how you can live out today the lessons God has been teaching you. Whether it’s through kindness, patience, generosity, or trust, ask the Holy Spirit to guide your steps and help you take action in ways that reflect Christ’s example.

Lord, help me not just to be a listener of Your Word but a doer. Show me how to live out the lessons You are teaching me, and give me the courage to take action. Thank You for the promise of Your peace when I walk in Your ways. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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