The Power of Confession and Belief


“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
- Romans 10:9 (NIV)

Our words today offers us one of the most straightforward yet profound explanations of how salvation works. It’s a clear reminder that our faith is not just a mental ascent or an internal feeling but a confession and belief that transforms every part of our lives.

Confession: Declaring Jesus as Lord

The first part of the verse emphasizes the importance of confessing, or declaring, with our mouths that “Jesus is Lord.” This confession is not simply a statement of fact but a recognition of Jesus’ authority over our lives. When we declare Jesus as Lord, we are submitting to His leadership and acknowledging that He is the ruler of our hearts, minds, and actions.

Imagine a soldier pledging allegiance to a flag or a cause. Their confession is not merely words but a public commitment to stand by that cause, even in the face of adversity. In the same way, when we confess that Jesus is Lord, we are aligning ourselves with His mission and values. It’s a statement that says, “I belong to Jesus, and His will is my guide.”

Confession isn’t a one-time act either. It’s something we do daily by the way we live, speak, and interact with others. We confess Jesus as Lord when we choose to forgive rather than hold a grudge, when we act in love rather than judgment, or when we offer help to someone in need.

Belief: Trusting in the Resurrection

The second part of the verse focuses on believing in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead. This belief is the cornerstone of our faith. The resurrection is the proof of God’s power over death, and it’s what gives us hope for eternal life. To believe in the resurrection is to trust that Jesus has conquered sin and death, and that through Him, we, too, will experience new life.

Think of a seed buried in the ground. It looks dead, but in time, it bursts forth into a new plant, full of life. In the same way, Jesus’ death seemed like the end, but His resurrection brought new life. When we believe in the resurrection, we are saying that no matter how dark things may seem, God has the power to bring life from death, hope from despair, and victory from defeat.

Believing in the resurrection also impacts how we face trials in our daily lives. It reminds us that suffering and hardship do not have the final say. There’s always the hope of new life, transformation, and victory through Christ.

The Promise: Salvation

The final part of Romans 10:9 assures us that if we confess and believe, we will be saved. Salvation is both a present reality and a future hope. Right now, it means that we are forgiven, made new, and empowered to live as God’s children. In the future, it points to our eternal life with Christ.

Picture someone drowning in the ocean, crying out for help. A lifeguard arrives, pulls them to safety, and brings them to shore. In that moment, they are saved from death. But there’s more, the lifeguard also provides care to help them recover and ensures they get the attention they need. In the same way, when we confess and believe, God saves us not only from eternal separation from Him but also transforms us daily, helping us grow into the people He created us to be.

Have you made the confession that Jesus is Lord in your life? How does that confession affect the way you live today?

Do you believe in your heart that Jesus’ resurrection means victory not only over death but over every struggle and trial you face?

Your confession of Jesus as Lord and your belief in His resurrection unlock the door to salvation—both now and for eternity. Live in that promise today.

“Lord Jesus, I declare today that You are Lord of my life. I surrender my heart, my plans, and my fears to You. I believe that You rose from the dead, and because of that, I have hope. Thank You for saving me, for transforming me, and for giving me new life. Help me to live out this confession in everything I do, bringing glory to Your name. Amen.”

Pastor Jeff

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