Walking by the Spirit


“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
Galatians 5:25 (NIV)

Paul’s letter to the Galatians offers a simple yet profound principle for our daily lives as believers: if we are living by the Spirit, we must also walk by the Spirit. The Christian life isn’t just about accepting the gift of the Holy Spirit—it’s about continually following His guidance in every part of our lives.

Imagine you’re walking down a path in the woods with a guide. You trust that your guide knows the best way, but it requires constant attention and adjustment on your part to stay in step with them. If you wander off or stop listening, you could easily get lost or stumble into danger. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit is like that. He’s constantly leading, but we must remain attentive and willing to follow.

What Does It Mean to “Keep in Step with the Spirit”?

Daily Surrender:

Walking by the Spirit starts with daily surrender. We can’t live empowered, Spirit-led lives if we’re constantly trying to take control. This means beginning each day with a prayer of surrender: “Lord, lead me in everything I do today.” For example, when facing a tough decision, we should stop and ask God for wisdom rather than relying on our own understanding.

Listening for His Voice:

God speaks through His Word, through prayer, and sometimes even through the counsel of others. If we’re distracted by the noise of life, we’ll miss His voice. Consider setting aside specific times to be quiet before God, asking Him to reveal His will for your life.

Obeying Promptings:

Often, keeping in step with the Spirit involves acting on His promptings, even when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient. Perhaps you feel nudged to reach out to a friend, offer forgiveness, or step into an opportunity to serve others. In those moments, obedience to the Spirit’s guidance can lead to powerful breakthroughs.

Have you ever felt a strong prompting from the Spirit to pray for someone. I have. Many time I hesitated at first, unsure of how they would react. But, finally I decided to keep in step with the Spirit. Almost 100% of the time the person not only accepted the prayer but shared a personal struggle, something they had been going through. That simple act of obedience opened the door to a deeper relationship and an opportunity to witness.

Is there an area in your life where you’re hesitating to follow the Spirit’s leading? Maybe it’s a relationship that needs healing, a change in your daily habits, or a step of faith that you’ve been putting off. Trust that the Spirit will give you the strength to move forward, one step at a time.

Throughout your day, pause and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in your conversations, decisions, and actions. Practice “keeping in step” by being attentive to His voice and promptings.

Lord, help me to keep in step with Your Spirit today. Let my thoughts, actions, and words be guided by You. Give me the courage to follow Your lead, even when it’s difficult or uncomfortable. I surrender my plans and desires to You, knowing that Your way is always best. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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