Stay Ready


“You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”
— Luke 12:40 (NIV)

In today’s verse, Jesus calls us to live in a state of readiness. This readiness isn’t just about preparing for His second coming, but about being vigilant and faithful in our daily walk with Him. Just as a homeowner wouldn’t leave their house unguarded if they knew a thief was coming (Luke 12:39), we are called to live with the awareness that life is unpredictable, and Christ could return at any moment.

What does it mean to be ready?

Being ready means living each day as if it were our last opportunity to reflect Christ's love, grace, and truth. It’s not about living in fear, but in faithful obedience. Think of the student who stays prepared for an exam by studying regularly, rather than cramming the night before. Or consider an athlete who trains consistently so that when the competition arrives, they are already in peak condition. This is what it means, this is the same way we are to live. In a manner that our faith and trust in Jesus are consistent, not sporadic.

Imagine a father teaching his child to ride a bike. He’s patient, running alongside the child, ready to catch them if they fall. The child knows the father is always present, whether they’re looking or not. Similarly, Jesus is always with us, and we must trust that His return is certain, even if we don’t know when. Like the father who stays near, we should live with the assurance that Christ is near, guiding and encouraging us to live in alignment with His will.

Here are a few things you can do to help yourself to “be ready.”

Daily Devotion

- Commit to a daily time with God, reading His Word and praying. This helps keep your heart and mind in tune with His purposes.

Faith In Action

- Live out your faith through acts of kindness, forgiveness, and service. Whether in the workplace, at home, or in your community, be a reflection of Christ’s love and readiness.

Check Your Priorities

- Reflect on what occupies your time and thoughts. Are you investing in things that matter eternally, or are you caught up in temporary concerns?

Being ready for Christ’s return means living with purpose, reflecting His love daily, and maintaining a posture of faithful anticipation.

Lord, help me to live with a heart that is ready for Your return. Keep me focused on Your will and purpose, not distracted by the busyness of life. Help me to reflect Your love and truth in all I do, and remind me that You could return at any moment. Let my life be a testament of readiness and faithfulness. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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