Building Each Other Up


"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
- 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)

In the tormented world we live in, encouragement can often feel like a lost art. We tend to get caught up in our routines, personal struggles, and goals, and without realizing it, we can forget to take a moment to uplift others. However, as Paul reminds us in today’s verse, we are called to a higher standard as believers: we are to encourage one another and build each other up.

This verse follows a discussion about the coming of the Lord and how we should live in light of it. Paul reminds the Thessalonians that, as children of the light, they should be active in strengthening their faith and helping others do the same. He praises them for already living this way, but his call to "encourage one another" suggests there's always room to grow in this area.

What Does It Mean to Encourage?

Encouragement is more than just a kind word or a compliment. To encourage someone is to give them courage, to speak words that strengthen their heart, remind them of their value, and push them toward the Lord. It’s about calling out the good we see in others and helping them recognize God’s purpose for their lives.

Think about a time when someone spoke an encouraging word to you. Maybe it was a teacher, a mentor, or a friend who saw something in you that you didn’t even see in yourself. That small moment of affirmation may have made all the difference in how you approached a challenge or even shaped your view of yourself.

Building One Another Up

While encouragement lifts someone’s spirit, building one another up is the act of reinforcing that encouragement over time. This is not a one-time compliment, but rather a lifestyle of investing in others. Paul is calling us to be intentional in creating environments where people feel supported and edified.

In your own life, how can you build others up? Perhaps it’s through prayer, a kind gesture, or offering help when someone is overwhelmed. In relationships, building up can also mean speaking truth in love, guiding someone with wisdom and grace when they need direction.

Think about a coworker who is going through a tough time. Instead of just saying, “I’m sorry things are hard,” you could check in on them consistently, offer to pray with them, or even share a testimony of how God helped you through a similar struggle. Over time, your steady presence can be the thing that God uses to strengthen them.

So, now what do we do?

You can start by taking a moment to consider the people in your life who need encouragement. Who can you reach out to? It could be as simple as sending a text or having a conversation. Ask God to give you the right words to say. Be open to the opportunities the Holy Spirit gives you to build others up.

In a world that often tears people down, we have the privilege of being God’s vessels for encouragement. By doing this, we not only obey His Word, but we also become more like Christ, who continually builds us up through His love, grace, and truth.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of encouragement. Help me to be a source of strength and support for those around me. Show me how to build others up, not just with words but with actions that reflect Your love. Let me be a light in someone’s life today, just as You have been a light in mine. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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