A Heart for the Poor


"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done." - Proverbs 19:17 (NIV)

In this verse, Solomon provides a powerful insight into God’s heart for the poor and the attitude we are to have toward them. Kindness, especially toward those in need, is seen not just as a noble act, but as an act of service directly to God Himself. When we show compassion and generosity to the poor, we are not only helping them, but we are also placing our trust in God to reward our kindness in His time and way.

Let’s break down the verse and take a look at what this looks like.

The Nature of Lending to the Lord

Imagine lending money to a trustworthy friend, someone you know will always pay you back. Lending to the Lord is like this, but infinitely more secure. God, who owns everything and owes no one anything, promises to reward those who care for the needy. What a profound thought! God sees our acts of kindness as valuable, so much so that He considers Himself in debt to us, willing to repay our generosity in ways we cannot even imagine.

Consider a single mother struggling to provide for her children. She works long hours but still cannot make ends meet. Offering her groceries or paying a bill for her is more than just financial support; it’s a gesture that tells her she’s not forgotten. It shows her that God sees her struggle and is reaching out to help through His people. In turn, God honors your sacrifice, acknowledging the love you’ve shown as love given to Him.

God’s Reward for Our Kindness

This verse emphasizes that God "will reward them for what they have done." While we shouldn't be kind to others solely for the sake of a reward, God reassures us that He takes note of our actions. The rewards may not always come in material form. Often, the blessings come in peace of mind, spiritual growth, or simply knowing that we’ve made a difference in someone’s life.

There was a man who regularly donated a portion of his income to a local food bank, though he was going through financial difficulties himself. Over time, his business began to flourish. Though he didn’t expect it, he felt God’s favor was over his life. The growth of his business wasn’t just financial; he also experienced an increase in joy and a sense of purpose. He had partnered with God in caring for others, and God blessed him abundantly in return.

Reflecting Jesus

Jesus modeled this in His ministry. He was constantly caring for the poor, the sick, and the marginalized. He fed thousands, healed the broken, and had compassion on those who were overlooked. By lending to the poor, we follow in the footsteps of Christ, extending His love and grace to those who need it most.

Today and for the rest of this week, look for a practical way to be kind to someone in need—whether through time, resources, or encouragement. Trust that in doing so, you are lending to the Lord, and He will honor your act of faith.

Lord, help me to have a heart that reflects Your love for the poor. Let me see those in need as You see them—with compassion and kindness. Give me the courage to lend to You by helping others, trusting that You will always provide for me in return. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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