The Lord is Our Refuge


"The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him."
— Nahum 1:7 (NIV)

In the book of Nahum, God’s judgment is being pronounced on Nineveh, a city notorious for its wickedness. Yet, in the midst of this message of destruction, we find a beautiful declaration of God’s goodness and care for His people. Nahum 1:7 reminds us that even when circumstances seem bleak, God remains a refuge for those who trust in Him.

The Goodness of God

The verse begins with a simple but profound truth: "The Lord is good." In a world filled with uncertainty, it can sometimes be hard to remember this foundational aspect of God's character. But His goodness is unchanging, independent of our circumstances. When we face trials, it’s easy to question God’s goodness. We wonder, "If God is good, why am I going through this?"

Think of a child who falls while learning to ride a bike. Though the parent stands nearby, allowing the child to experience the difficulty of balancing, they are always ready to comfort, guide, and protect. The fall doesn’t change the goodness of the parent; it’s part of the process of growth and learning. Similarly, God's goodness is constant, even when we experience hardship. His presence and guidance are always there.

A Refuge in Times of Trouble

Nahum goes on to describe God as a refuge. A refuge is a place of safety, a shelter in the storm. The storms of life come in many forms: financial difficulties, health crises, relational struggles, or unexpected loss. But Nahum reminds us that in all these troubles, God is our refuge. He is a safe place where we can rest and find peace, even when everything around us is falling apart.

Take, for instance, the story of Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch Christian who helped hide Jews during the Holocaust. After being arrested and sent to a concentration camp, she endured unimaginable suffering. Yet, she often spoke of the comfort and refuge she found in God’s presence, even in the darkest of circumstances. She trusted in His goodness and found peace, despite the horrors surrounding her.

We may not face such extreme trials, but we all have moments when life feels overwhelming. In those moments, God invites us to run to Him, to take refuge in His arms.

He Cares for Those Who Trust in Him

Finally, Nahum reminds us that God cares deeply for those who trust in Him. Trusting in God doesn’t mean we won’t experience trouble, but it does mean we won’t face it alone. Trust is more than intellectual belief; it is a deep, personal reliance on God. It’s like a child who, when scared, runs into the arms of their father, confident that they will be safe there.

Have you ever tried to carry a heavy load by yourself? Perhaps you’ve been overwhelmed with responsibilities at work, home, or church. You feel as though you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Trusting in God is like asking for help to carry that load. It doesn’t mean the burden disappears, but you’re no longer carrying it alone.

God cares for you intimately. He sees every worry, every tear, every sleepless night. And He invites you to trust Him, to let Him be your refuge in times of trouble.

What storm are you facing today? Are you carrying the weight alone, or are you turning to God as your refuge? Remember that He is good, and He cares deeply for those who trust in Him. Take a moment to lay your burdens at His feet, trusting in His unfailing goodness.

Lord, thank You for being my refuge in times of trouble. Help me to trust in Your goodness, even when life is hard. Remind me that I don’t need to carry my burdens alone, for You care deeply for me. May I always run to You, my safe place. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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