Walking with the Wise


"Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm."
- Proverbs 13:20 (NIV)

Have you ever been unfairly accused of being something just because of those you hang out with? We know the term as “guilty by association.”

In this proverb, Solomon gives us a straightforward yet valuable piece of advice: the people we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our lives. The company we keep shapes our character, influences our decisions, and ultimately determines our destiny.

When Solomon says, “Walk with the wise,” he is encouraging us to seek the companionship of those who live with understanding, integrity, and godly wisdom. To "walk" in this context is more than just spending time together; it means to share life, to journey closely, and to learn from one another. When we spend time with people who embody wisdom—those who honor God with their choices, who speak with kindness, who live with humility, and who discern what is right—we begin to absorb those qualities ourselves.

On the other hand, Solomon warns of the consequences of keeping company with “fools.” A "fool," in biblical terms, is not merely someone who lacks knowledge but someone who rejects wisdom and disregards God's guidance. Their way of life is often marked by recklessness, pride, and a refusal to listen to wise counsel. When we align ourselves with people who live this way, we expose ourselves to harm. Their attitudes and actions can lead us down a path of destruction, causing damage not only to our spiritual well-being but also to our relationships, our peace, and even our physical health.

So, what does it mean to "walk with the wise"? It means intentionally choosing relationships that build you up in faith, encourage you in godly living, and challenge you to grow. It means seeking out mentors, friends, and community members who will inspire you to be the best version of yourself—people who will speak truth into your life, pray for you, and hold you accountable. It means recognizing that the influence of the people around you is not a small thing; it has the power to shape your very soul.

Who are the people you walk with daily? Are they helping you grow in wisdom, or are they leading you toward harm? Pray today for God to help you discern the relationships in your life and to give you the courage to pursue wise company.

Heavenly Father, help me to walk with the wise and to become wise myself. Give me the discernment to choose my companions carefully, and surround me with people who will encourage me to grow closer to You. Protect me from the influence of those who might lead me astray, and help me to be a source of wisdom and light to others. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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