The Overflowing Measure of Generosity


"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
— Luke 6:38 (NIV)

Today's verse from Luke reminds us of the importance of giving and generosity. God calls us to be generous in all aspects of our lives. Whether it's our time, talents, or resources, we are called to give freely and abundantly. When we give with a cheerful heart, we are not only blessing others but also opening ourselves up to receive blessings in return.

God promises that when we give, it will be given back to us in abundance. This is not a transactional promise, but rather a reflection of God's grace and provision in our lives. When we give generously, we are showing our trust in God's provision and his ability to meet all our needs.

Let’s breakdown the verse and focus on three specific areas.

The Principle of Generosity

Jesus teaches us the fundamental principle of generosity. When we give freely, we open ourselves to receive abundantly. This isn't just about material possessions, but also about giving our time, love, and kindness. God promises that our acts of generosity will return to us in greater measure. This divine principle encourages us to live with open hands and hearts, trusting that God will take care of our needs.

The Overflowing Blessing

The imagery Jesus uses is vivid: a measure pressed down, shaken together, and running over. This picture illustrates the overflowing blessing that comes from giving. When we give, God doesn't just match our generosity—He exceeds it. He pours blessings into our lives so abundantly that they overflow. This overflow is not just for our benefit but also enables us to continue blessing others.

The Measure We Use

Jesus concludes with a crucial reminder: *"For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."* This means our standard of giving directly influences what we receive. If we are stingy or grudging in our giving, we shouldn't expect abundant returns. However, if we give generously and joyfully, we can anticipate receiving generously from God. Our attitude and measure of giving reflect our faith and trust in God's provision.

As you reflect on this today, ask yourself if there are areas in your life where you can be more generous. Is there someone in need of your time, encouragement, or resources? How can you give with a joyful heart, trusting that God will bless you abundantly in return? Let this scripture inspire you to embrace a lifestyle of generosity, knowing that God’s blessings will overflow in your life.

Let us be mindful of how we can give generously today. Let us look for opportunities to bless others and be a reflection of God's love and generosity. And may we trust in God's promise that when we give, it will be given back to us in overflowing measure.

Lord, help me to be generous with all that You have given me. Teach me to give freely and joyfully, trusting in Your promise of abundant blessings. May my generosity reflect Your love and bring glory to Your name. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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