Fear Without Being Afraid


“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” - Proverbs 9:10

In the busyness of life, wisdom often takes a backseat to our immediate desires and concerns. Yet, our verse today reminds us that true wisdom begins with reverence for the Lord. This reverence isn’t a trembling fear, but a deep respect and awe for the Almighty.

When we acknowledge God as the source of all wisdom, we open ourselves to a deeper understanding of life and its complexities. It’s in knowing the Holy One that we gain true understanding, not just of the world around us, but of our purpose within it. We are humbled and open to receiving His wisdom and guidance in our lives.

The second part of the verse tells us that knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. As we grow in our relationship with God and seek to know Him more intimately, we gain a deeper understanding of His character and ways. This knowledge leads to true understanding of the world around us and how to navigate it in a way that honors God.

In our pursuit of knowledge and understanding, let’s not overlook the importance of our relationship with God. And as we draw near to Him, seeking His wisdom through prayer, meditation, and study of His word, we’ll find ourselves not only growing in knowledge but also in spiritual understanding.

Today, let’s make it our goal to fear the Lord, to honor Him in all that we do, and to seek knowledge of Him above all else. For in Him, we find the beginning of true wisdom and understanding.

As we meditate on this verse, let us reflect on our own relationship with God. Are we approaching Him with a humble and reverent heart, seeking His wisdom and guidance in all areas of our lives? Are we actively pursuing a deeper knowledge of who He is and how He desires us to live?

Let us pray for a heart that fears the Lord and seeks to know Him more deeply each day. May we be filled with His wisdom and understanding as we walk in obedience and trust in His perfect will for our lives.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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