Come. See. Go. Tell. Listen. Understand.
"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." - Romans 10:17 (ESV)
In the simplicity of these words, "Come. See. Go. Tell. Listen. and Understand.," lies the essence of the Christian journey—a journey of faith, action, and proclamation.
As believers, we are called to actively engage with the word of Christ. We are called to come to Him, to see Him in all His glory, to go out into the world and tell others about Him, to listen to His voice speaking to us, and to seek to understand His ways.
It all begins with an invitation—an invitation to come to Jesus, to draw near to Him with an open heart. He calls us to come, just as we are, with our doubts, fears, and uncertainties, ready to receive His love and grace. We must come to Him in prayer, in worship, and in fellowship with other believers.. It is in coming to Him that we find rest for our souls and discover the truth that sets us free.
As we come to Jesus, our eyes are opened to see the beauty of His grace, the depth of His love, and the power of His redemption. We see Him in creation, in the kindness of others, and in the pages of Scripture. We must see Him as our Savior, our Redeemer, and our Friend. When we do, we can see Him at work in our lives and in the world around us. We see His hand guiding us through the trials and triumphs of life, and we begin to understand His purposes and plans.
But our journey doesn't end with seeing; it propels us into action. We are called to go—to go and make disciples of all nations, to go and share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who have not yet heard. We go with boldness and confidence, knowing that He who has called us is faithful to equip and empower us for every task.
As we go, we are called to tell others of the hope that lies within us. We share the word of Christ, not with eloquent words of wisdom, but with the simple proclamation of His truth. We tell of His love, His mercy, and His grace, inviting others to come and experience the life-changing power of faith in Him.
We must learn to listen—listen to His voice calling out to us amidst the noise of the world. It's in the stillness of our hearts that we hear His gentle invitation, beckoning us to come and find rest in Him. Listening requires attentiveness, humility, and a willingness to set aside our own agendas and desires to hear what He has to say.
We must seek to understand Him. We must study His word, meditate on His teachings, and seek to grow in our knowledge and love of Him. As we learn to understand His ways and His will for our lives, as we listen to the word of Christ, our minds are enlightened, and our hearts are opened to understand His truth. We begin to comprehend the depth of His love, the significance of His sacrifice, and the implications of His teachings for our lives. Understanding leads to transformation as we align our thoughts and actions with His will, surrendering ourselves wholly to His purposes.
May these words today serve as a guide for our journey of faith. May we listen attentively to the word of Christ, seeking understanding and wisdom from His teachings. And may our hearts be stirred to respond in obedience, coming to Him, seeing His hand at work, going forth in His name, and telling others of the hope we have found in Him. And may our faith be strengthened as we hear and meditate on the word of Christ, knowing that it is through this word that faith is born and nurtured.
Let us commit to living out this daily devotional in our lives. Let us come to Jesus, see Him, go and tell others about Him, listen to His voice, and seek to understand Him more fully. May our faith be strengthened as we engage with the word of Christ each day.
Pastor Jeff
#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign
"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." - Romans 10:17 (ESV)
In the simplicity of these words, "Come. See. Go. Tell. Listen. and Understand.," lies the essence of the Christian journey—a journey of faith, action, and proclamation.
As believers, we are called to actively engage with the word of Christ. We are called to come to Him, to see Him in all His glory, to go out into the world and tell others about Him, to listen to His voice speaking to us, and to seek to understand His ways.
It all begins with an invitation—an invitation to come to Jesus, to draw near to Him with an open heart. He calls us to come, just as we are, with our doubts, fears, and uncertainties, ready to receive His love and grace. We must come to Him in prayer, in worship, and in fellowship with other believers.. It is in coming to Him that we find rest for our souls and discover the truth that sets us free.
As we come to Jesus, our eyes are opened to see the beauty of His grace, the depth of His love, and the power of His redemption. We see Him in creation, in the kindness of others, and in the pages of Scripture. We must see Him as our Savior, our Redeemer, and our Friend. When we do, we can see Him at work in our lives and in the world around us. We see His hand guiding us through the trials and triumphs of life, and we begin to understand His purposes and plans.
But our journey doesn't end with seeing; it propels us into action. We are called to go—to go and make disciples of all nations, to go and share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who have not yet heard. We go with boldness and confidence, knowing that He who has called us is faithful to equip and empower us for every task.
As we go, we are called to tell others of the hope that lies within us. We share the word of Christ, not with eloquent words of wisdom, but with the simple proclamation of His truth. We tell of His love, His mercy, and His grace, inviting others to come and experience the life-changing power of faith in Him.
We must learn to listen—listen to His voice calling out to us amidst the noise of the world. It's in the stillness of our hearts that we hear His gentle invitation, beckoning us to come and find rest in Him. Listening requires attentiveness, humility, and a willingness to set aside our own agendas and desires to hear what He has to say.
We must seek to understand Him. We must study His word, meditate on His teachings, and seek to grow in our knowledge and love of Him. As we learn to understand His ways and His will for our lives, as we listen to the word of Christ, our minds are enlightened, and our hearts are opened to understand His truth. We begin to comprehend the depth of His love, the significance of His sacrifice, and the implications of His teachings for our lives. Understanding leads to transformation as we align our thoughts and actions with His will, surrendering ourselves wholly to His purposes.
May these words today serve as a guide for our journey of faith. May we listen attentively to the word of Christ, seeking understanding and wisdom from His teachings. And may our hearts be stirred to respond in obedience, coming to Him, seeing His hand at work, going forth in His name, and telling others of the hope we have found in Him. And may our faith be strengthened as we hear and meditate on the word of Christ, knowing that it is through this word that faith is born and nurtured.
Let us commit to living out this daily devotional in our lives. Let us come to Jesus, see Him, go and tell others about Him, listen to His voice, and seek to understand Him more fully. May our faith be strengthened as we engage with the word of Christ each day.
Pastor Jeff
#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign
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