You Cannot Be Healed of The Things That You Hide


"Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."
- Psalm 139:23-24 (ESV)

Do you truly open your heart to God in prayer, speaking honestly and transparently? Many wrestle with this challenge, often withholding certain truths or sins, selectively sharing only what feels comfortable. It's common to hide certain struggles while confessing others deemed less shameful.

In these verses, we find a profound prayer for introspection and transformation. It's a plea for God to dive into the depths of our being, to scrutinize our hearts, thoughts, and actions. It's an acknowledgment of our human limitations and an invitation for divine intervention in our lives.

The psalmist begins by inviting God to search them, to know them intimately and completely. This isn't a prayer to hide or mask anything but a courageous request for God to illuminate every corner of their being. It's an acknowledgment that true transformation begins with honesty and self-awareness.

The Bible assures us that we need not perfect ourselves before approaching God. As our Creator, He intimately knows every aspect of our being. There's no hiding from Him; He sees into the depths of our thoughts and desires, understanding us completely.

Then comes the plea to be tested and examined, to uncover any hidden or unknown faults. It's a recognition that we often deceive ourselves, justifying our actions or ignoring our flaws. But before God, there is no hiding. He sees through our pretenses and knows us fully. Therefore, the psalmist invites God to reveal anything within them that is contrary to His will.

We cannot be healed from the things we try to hide. To truly experience the grace and mercy of God, we must lay everything bare before Him. When He brings to light the hidden parts of our lives, it's an invitation to humbly confess them to Him.

Finally, the psalmist submits to God's leading. After the examination comes the surrender to divine guidance. It's an admission that we cannot navigate life's journey on our own. We need God to direct our steps, to lead us away from the paths of destruction and into the way everlasting—the path of righteousness and eternal life.

As we reflect on these verses, let us also echo this prayer in our own lives. Let us invite God to search our hearts, to reveal to us any areas of pride, selfishness, or sin. Let us humbly submit to His examination and correction, trusting in His love and wisdom. And let us follow His leading, walking in obedience and faithfulness, knowing that His way is the path of true life and fulfillment.

Pause today and let Psalm 139 become your prayer. Invite God to examine your heart and reveal any hidden areas you may be unaware of. When He unveils something, bring it before Him, seeking forgiveness. Ask for the guidance of His Spirit to navigate this journey.

Rest assured, God remains faithful and merciful, loving us despite our flaws. He will faithfully accompany you, leading you into eternal life with Him.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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