Reflecting God's Heart


Reflecting God's Heart

"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God."
- Hebrews 13:16 (ESV)

In Hebrews 13:16, we learn the essence of Christian living: to do good and to share generously with others. These actions are not merely commendable deeds but are described as sacrifices that are pleasing to God. This verse underscores the power of selflessness and generosity in our lives as believers.

The call to do good encompasses a wide range of actions, from simple acts of kindness to significant acts of service. It's about actively seeking opportunities to alleviate the burdens of others, to extend a helping hand to the needy, and to embody the love of Christ in our interactions with those around us. As followers of Christ, our lives are to be characterized by a continual outpouring of goodness, reflecting the goodness of our Heavenly Father.

Furthermore, the command to share what we have challenges us to embrace a lifestyle of generosity. Our possessions, resources, and talents are gifts from God, entrusted to us to steward wisely. When we freely give of what we have, whether it be our time, finances, or abilities, we demonstrate trust in God's provision and acknowledge His ownership over all things. Sharing not only meets the practical needs of others but also fosters unity and community within the body of Christ.

However, the verse goes beyond mere acts of benevolence; it highlights the spiritual significance of our sacrifices. When we sacrificially give of ourselves for the well-being of others, we mirror the sacrificial love of Christ demonstrated on the cross. Our sacrifices become offerings of worship, pleasing to God and honoring to His name.

As we meditate on Hebrews 13:16, let us examine our hearts and lives. Are we actively seeking opportunities to do good and share with others? Are we willing to sacrifice our comfort, time, and resources for the sake of advancing God's kingdom and meeting the needs of others? May our lives be living testimonies of God's grace and love as we embrace the call to sacrificial living, knowing that in doing so, we bring glory and pleasure to our Heavenly Father.

Pastor Jeff

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