Experiencing Peace Through Obedience


"Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him."
- John 14:21 ESV

As we continue to journey through the season of Advent, our hearts are filled with anticipation and hope. We reflect on the attributes of God that were revealed through the birth of Jesus Christ, and today we focus on the second attribute of Advent: peace. In John 14:21, Jesus assures us that a profound peace is available to those who love Him and keep His commandments.

The world offers countless distractions and tempts us to seek peace in temporary pleasures or material possessions. But the peace Jesus offers surpasses all understanding and transcends the circumstances we find ourselves in. It is an inner tranquility, a deep-rooted assurance that God is in control and that He is always present with us.

Jesus makes it clear that experiencing this peace is directly linked to our love for Him and our obedience to His commandments. It is not merely a matter of intellectual knowledge or religious rituals. Instead, it is a heartfelt response of love and devotion to our Savior.

Obedience is often seen as something restrictive or burdensome. Yet, when we understand it as an expression of our love for Jesus, it takes on a whole new meaning. Obedience becomes a joyful response to the immense love and grace that has been poured out upon us. It becomes an act of worship, a way to align our lives with the will of our heavenly Father.

When we willingly submit to Jesus' commandments, we enter into a deeper intimacy with Him. We abide in His love and experience the unshakable peace that comes from knowing we are loved and accepted by the Father. It is in this place of surrender and obedience that Jesus manifests Himself to us in extraordinary ways.

As we approach the celebration of Christ's birth, let us examine our hearts and consider our obedience to His commandments. Are we truly seeking to love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind? Are there areas of our lives where we need to surrender and submit to His lordship? Let us be honest with ourselves and invite the Holy Spirit to reveal any hindrances to our obedience.

May this season of Advent be a time of reflection and transformation. Let us not be satisfied with a superficial peace that the world offers but earnestly seek the peace that comes from abiding in Christ. Embrace His commandments, not as burdensome restrictions, but as a pathway to a deeper relationship with our Savior. May our love for Him overflow, and may His peace guard our hearts and minds in every season of life.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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