The Unwavering Hope of Advent


"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful."
- Hebrews 10:23 ESV

The season of Advent, is a time of anticipation and preparation for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is essential to reflect on the unwavering hope we have in Him. Hebrews 10:23 reminds us of the steadfastness we should possess in holding on to our confession of faith, for the One who promised is faithful.

The world around us may be filled with uncertainty, chaos, and despair, but as believers, we have a hope that transcends all circumstances. Advent serves as a timely reminder of this hope, as we eagerly await the celebration of Christ's birth and look forward to His second coming. In this season, we are called to cultivate a spirit of expectant hope, trusting that God's promises will be fulfilled. Hebrews encourages us not to waver in our confession of hope. It is natural for doubts and fears to creep into our hearts during challenging times, but Advent reminds us to anchor ourselves in the unchanging character of our faithful God.
The birth of Jesus was the ultimate fulfillment of God's promise to send a Redeemer, a Savior who would reconcile us to Himself. This same God who kept His promise then is the same God who will keep His promises to us now and in the future. During this Advent season, let us remember the significance of the birth of our Savior. Jesus came to earth as a vulnerable baby, born in a humble stable, yet He brought the hope of salvation to all mankind. He is our Emmanuel, God with us, and through Him, we have access to the Father's love, grace, and forgiveness.

As we think about our verse today, Hebrews 10:23, let’s hold fast to our confession of hope, not allowing doubt or discouragement to sway us. Our hope is anchored in the faithfulness of the One who promised. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of our faith, who endured the cross for the joy set before Him (Hebrews 12:2). Just as He fulfilled God's promise of redemption, He will fulfill His promises to us individually and collectively as His children.

This Advent, let us intentionally prepare our hearts to receive the fullness of God's promises. Let us remember that the hope we have in Christ is unwavering, unchanging, and eternal.
May this season be a time of renewed faith and joyful anticipation as we await the coming of our Lord. Let us hold fast to our confession of hope, for the faithful God who promised will never fail us.

Pastor Jeff

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