Entering Advent with a Heart of Hope and Readiness


"But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect."
- 1 Peter 3:15 ESV

Advent is a time we are reminded of the anticipation, the waiting, and the hope that fills our hearts. Advent is a time of preparation, both for the celebration of Christ's birth and for His promised return. In this verse from 1 Peter 3:15, we find a message of significance for our Advent journey - to honor Christ, be prepared, and exude the hope that resides within us.

To honor Christ as Lord is to acknowledge His sovereignty, to recognize His holiness, and to place Him above all else in our lives. This is the foundation of our faith, the starting point of our spiritual journey. During Advent, we are called to reflect on the significance of Christ's birth, as God's perfect plan unfolded to bring hope, salvation, and reconciliation to humanity. Let us meditate on the miracle of His arrival, and may our hearts be stirred with deep reverence and gratitude for the gift of our Savior.

The second part of the verse urges us to be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks for a reason for the hope that is in us. Advent serves as a reminder that we are not merely celebrating an event that occurred in the past, but we are also preparing ourselves for the future return of our Lord. As we eagerly await His second coming, we must be ready to share the hope that resides within us, the hope that stems from our personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

During this season, people around us may be seeking answers, searching for a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainties of life. They may be curious about the reason behind our joy, peace, and unwavering hope in the midst of difficult circumstances. Advent provides us with an opportune time to share the hope of Christ with others, to testify to His transforming power, and to point them towards the true source of hope and salvation.

However, it is essential to remember the final part of this verse - we are called to share our hope with gentleness and respect. Our testimony should be adorned with love, compassion, and humility. Advent is a season of reflection, introspection, and personal growth. As we prepare ourselves to share the reason for our hope, let us also cultivate a heart that is gentle, empathetic, and respectful towards those who may not yet know Christ.

As we embrace Advent, let’s honor Christ as Lord, always ready to share the hope that is within us. May our lives be a living testimony to the power of Christ's birth and His imminent return. Let us be a beacon of hope to those around us, demonstrating the love and grace of our Savior. In doing so, we participate in God's redemptive plan and become instruments of His peace in a world longing for hope.

Pastor Jeff

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