A Foundation of Faith


"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
- Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

Faith is the bedrock of our relationship with God. Hebrews defines faith as both confidence and assurance. It is a firm trust in the promises of God and a certainty in the things we cannot physically see or touch. This verse reminds us of the power of faith in our lives. Remember, faith is not just a mere belief or wishful thinking, but it is a deep confidence and trust in God's promises and His unseen work in our lives.

Faith goes beyond mere belief. It is an active trust and reliance on God. When we have faith, we are confident in God's promises, even when they seem far off or when our current circumstances suggest otherwise. Faith compels us to live with the hope that God's plans for us are good and that He is always at work, even in the unseen.

As Christians, we are called to live by faith and not by sight. We may not always see the answers to our prayers or understand God's plans, but we can have assurance in knowing that He is always working behind the scenes for our good. Faith allows us to trust in God's timing and His perfect will for our lives, even when things may not make sense to us.

Faith also gives us hope for the future. It is the assurance that God has a plan for us and that He is always with us, guiding and leading us every step of the way. When we have faith, we can face challenges and trials with confidence, knowing that God is in control and that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Consider Abraham, who by faith obeyed God's call to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, even though he did not know where he was going (Hebrews 11:8). His faith was not passive; it moved him to action. Similarly, our faith should propel us forward, trusting in God’s guidance and provision.

Here are three things you can do to help build your faith.

Trust in God’s Promises

Reflect on the promises God has given us in His Word. Choose to trust that He will fulfill them, even when you cannot see how.

Live Confidently

Allow your faith to influence your daily decisions and actions. Step out in obedience, knowing that God is faithful.

Hope in the Unseen

Embrace the hope that comes from faith. When facing difficulties or uncertainty, remind yourself that God is in control and His plans are perfect.

Let us hold on to our faith in all circumstances, trusting in God's promises and His faithfulness. May we have the confidence to believe in what we hope for and the assurance to know that God is always at work in our lives, even when we cannot see it. Let us walk by faith and not by sight, knowing that our God is faithful and true.

Faith is not about seeing, but about trusting in God's perfect vision.

Lord, thank You for the gift of faith. Help me to trust in Your promises and live confidently in the assurance of Your unseen work. Strengthen my faith so that I may walk in obedience and hope, even when the path is unclear. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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