My Help Comes From The Lord


"My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth."
- Psalm 121:2 ESV

In times of distress and uncertainty, it is natural for us to seek help and comfort from various sources. We may look to friends, family, or even rely on our own strength and abilities. However, as we reflect on Psalm 121:2, we are reminded that our ultimate help comes from the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth.

The psalmist declares with unwavering certainty that his help comes from the Lord. This declaration is not rooted in wishful thinking or mere sentimentality, but in the deep conviction that the Lord is the source of all help and strength. In a world filled with chaos and turmoil, this truth provides us with an unshakable foundation on which to stand.

As the Creator of heaven and earth, the Lord possesses unlimited power, wisdom, and resources. He is not bound by the limitations of human understanding or the constraints of this world. When we turn to Him for help, we are tapping into an infinite well of strength and provision.

Moreover, the Lord's help is not temporary or fleeting. He is a faithful and constant source of assistance. Unlike human aid that may fail or disappoint, God's help is steadfast and reliable. He promises to be with us always, guiding us through every trial and challenge we face.

It is important to note that seeking help from the Lord does not imply passivity or inaction on our part. Rather, it is an invitation to partner with God in our journey. We are called to trust in His guidance, seek His wisdom through prayer and His Word, and be open to His leading. As we actively seek His help, we will see His hand at work in our lives, providing solutions, guidance, and comfort.

Ultimately, our help from the Lord extends beyond our physical needs. He is also our help in our spiritual journey, providing strength, forgiveness, and salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. In times of spiritual battles and temptations, we can call upon His name and find refuge in His unfailing love.

Today, let us take comfort in the truth of Psalm 121:2. Regardless of the challenges we face, we can trust that our help comes from the Lord. He is our ever-present help in times of trouble, our unwavering source of strength, and our faithful guide. May we continually seek His help, knowing that He is more than able to meet our every need. Let us turn our hearts towards Him, acknowledging His sovereignty and finding solace in His unfailing love.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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