Overcoming Evil with Good


“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
– Romans 12:21 (NIV)

Let’s face it, we live in a world filled with division, injustice, and personal attacks, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the evil around us. It can feel as though negativity, hatred, and wrongdoing are gaining the upper hand. But Paul’s words in Romans 12:21 serve as a powerful reminder that we are not called to fight fire with fire. Instead, we are called to a higher standard, to overcome evil with good.

This instruction is not a passive call to ignore wrongdoing or turn a blind eye to injustice. Rather, it is an active charge to respond to evil in a way that reflects the heart of Christ. Jesus Himself modeled this for us. When He was reviled, He did not revile in return. When He was persecuted, He did not retaliate. Instead, He met cruelty with compassion, hatred with love, and sin with sacrifice.

When someone wrongs us, our natural instinct is often to respond in kind. If someone speaks harshly to us, we may feel justified in snapping back. If we are mistreated, we may want to seek revenge. But Paul tells us there is a better way, a kingdom way. Overcoming evil with good means choosing forgiveness over bitterness, kindness over retaliation, and love over hate. It means recognizing that darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

Here are some ways that you can apply this to your life today.

Pause Before Reacting

Personally, this is a big one for me. When confronted with negativity or hostility, take a moment to pray before responding. Ask God for wisdom and strength to choose a Christ-like response.

Choose Love in Action

Look for ways to tangibly express goodness. This could mean extending grace to a difficult coworker, praying for someone who has wronged you, or responding with kindness to a harsh word.

Trust God for Justice

This is another hard one for us. But we need to know that and understand that overcoming evil with good does not mean ignoring injustice. It means trusting that God is the ultimate judge and allowing Him to handle vengeance while we focus on reflecting His goodness.

Evil is overcome not by engaging in its tactics but by rising above with the love and goodness of Christ. Today, choose to be a light in a dark world.

Heavenly Father, when I am faced with evil, help me to respond in a way that honors You. Teach me to love when it is difficult, to forgive when it is undeserved, and to trust You for justice. Let my life reflect the goodness of Christ so that others may see Your love through me. Strengthen me to overcome evil with good today and every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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