Resting in God’s Rhythm


“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.” – Exodus 20:8 (NIV)

In the middle of the Ten Commandments, nestled between instructions about our relationship with God and others, we find this command to “remember the Sabbath day.” It’s not merely a suggestion but a divine invitation to step out of the chaos of life and into the peace of God’s presence.

The word remember is significant. It implies intentionality, an active recalling of something important. God knows our tendency to become consumed with the busyness of life, striving for achievement, and endless to-do lists. The command is not simply to cease from work but to set apart a day as holy. Holiness means consecration, dedication to God. The Sabbath is a sacred gift where we honor Him through rest, worship, and reflection.

In creation, God Himself modeled this rhythm. After six days of forming the universe, He rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy (Genesis 2:2-3). God, who does not grow weary, rested—not out of need but as an example for us. This rhythm of work and rest was woven into the fabric of creation itself. When we honor the Sabbath, we align ourselves with God’s divine rhythm, acknowledging that we are not defined by productivity but by our identity as His children.

Yet, how often do we ignore this command? We may work tirelessly, forgetting that our worth comes not from what we do but from who we belong to. Sabbath reminds us that God is our provider, not our effort. It teaches us to trust Him with the unfinished tasks and the uncertainties of tomorrow.

Jesus illuminated the heart of the Sabbath in the Gospels. He reminded us that “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27). It’s not about rigid rules but about finding rest for our souls. It’s a time to be refreshed, renewed, and reconnected with God and others.

Here are three ideas for you that you can apply to your daily life. Pray that true Sabbath may come to you.

1. Prioritize Sabbath Rest

Take a day this week to step back from work and distractions. Focus on worship, prayer, and activities that renew your soul.

2. Trust God with the Unfinished

Release the pressure of incomplete tasks, trusting that God is in control.

3. Invite Others Into Rest

Share the joy of Sabbath with family or friends. Create a space for reflection, gratitude, and connection.

As you go through your day, remember this: The Sabbath isn’t a burden; it’s a blessing. Embrace it, and let God’s peace refresh you.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Sabbath rest. Help me to honor it as holy, trusting in Your provision and delighting in Your presence. Teach me to release my striving and embrace the peace that comes from You. May my life reflect a rhythm of work and rest that glorifies You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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