Dwelling in God’s Love


“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”
- 1 John 4:16 (NIV)

This verse is a great declaration of who God is: He is love. It’s not merely a characteristic of God or one of His attributes—it is His very essence. To know God is to know love, and to abide in God is to live a life characterized by His love.

John reminds us that God’s love isn’t something we need to earn or deserve; it is given freely and abundantly. Yet, we are called to do more than simply acknowledge this love—we are invited to rely on it fully. This reliance is not passive but active. It means trusting God’s love in every circumstance, even when life feels uncertain or overwhelming.

Living in love means allowing God’s love to flow through us to others. It challenges us to forgive, serve, and show grace, just as we have received these from God. When we live this way, God’s presence is evident in our lives. It becomes a testimony to the world of His transformative power.

Here are a few examples on how we should live out this love every day.

Acknowledge God’s love

Take a moment to reflect on how God has shown His love in your life. Thank Him for specific instances of His care and provision.

Rely on His love

Are there areas in your life where you struggle to trust God? Surrender those to Him today, knowing His love is unfailing.

Live out His love

Look for ways to demonstrate God’s love to someone else today. A kind word, a generous act, or a forgiving heart can be a reflection of His love.

When we choose to live in love, we choose to live in God. His love is the foundation that sustains and empowers us every day.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the incredible love You have lavished on us. Help us to know it, rely on it, and reflect it in our daily lives. Teach us to live in such a way that Your love is evident in all we say and do. May we be a light in the darkness, pointing others to the truth that You are love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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