Jesus; Resurrection and Life


Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” - John 11:25-26 NIV

In today’s passage, we find Jesus speaking to Martha after the death of her brother, Lazarus. She is grieving, struggling to reconcile her faith in Jesus with the pain of her loss. Yet, in the midst of her sorrow, Jesus proclaims one of the most exciting truths in all of Scripture: He is the resurrection and the life.

This declaration goes beyond the promise of a future resurrection. Jesus is revealing Himself as the source of eternal life, both now and forever. Belief in Him transcends physical death because through Him, death no longer has the final say.

Let’s break this down into three key reflections:

1. “I Am the Resurrection and the Life”

By saying “I am,” Jesus connects Himself with the divine name God used in the Old Testament when speaking to Moses (Exodus 3:14). This is not just a claim about what He can do but about who He is. Jesus doesn’t merely bring resurrection—He is resurrection. He doesn’t simply give life—He is life. He embodies the power and presence of God, offering hope that cannot be shaken.

2. “The one who believes in me will live, even though they die”

Physical death is inevitable, but Jesus offers the assurance that it is not the end. Believers in Christ will live eternally with Him. This is the foundation of Christian hope. Even when we face loss or death, we can cling to the promise of a life that death cannot destroy.

3. “Whoever lives by believing in me will never die”

Jesus is pointing to the present reality of eternal life. When we believe in Him, we are brought into a relationship with God that begins now and lasts forever. Our physical bodies may wear out, but our souls are alive and secure in Him.

Jesus ends this statement with a question to Martha: “Do you believe this?” It’s a deeply personal challenge, one that each of us must answer. Faith in Jesus is not just an abstract belief or a religious ritual—it is a transformative trust in Him as the source of all life.

When we are overwhelmed by grief, uncertainty, or fear, Jesus calls us to lift our eyes to Him. He reminds us that He is greater than any loss, stronger than any fear, and more powerful than death itself.

So how should we respond?

Are you living with the hope of resurrection and eternal life? How does this truth shape the way you face trials?

Ask Jesus to deepen your faith and help you see Him as your resurrection and life.

Encourage someone today with the promise of eternal life in Christ.

Take the challenge today to respond in faith no matter what you are facing.

Lord Jesus, thank You for being the resurrection and the life. In You, we have hope that cannot be shaken. Help us to live in the confidence of Your victory over death, and strengthen our faith when we face trials. May our lives reflect the eternal life You have given us. In Your name, Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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