The Humility of Christ


“Rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!”
– Philippians 2:7-8 (NIV)

In this passage, Paul paints a vivid picture of Jesus’ selfless humility. Though He was fully God, Jesus “made himself nothing,” voluntarily stepping down from the glory of heaven to take on human likeness. This wasn’t a demotion forced upon Him but a choice motivated by love and obedience. He exchanged the throne for a manger, the crown for a cross, and heavenly worship for earthly rejection.

When we read that Jesus took “the very nature of a servant,” we are reminded that His mission was not one of dominance but of service. From washing His disciples’ feet to touching the untouchable, His life was a continuous example of servanthood. Even more, His humility was not superficial—it led Him to the ultimate sacrifice: death on a cross, a form of execution reserved for criminals and the lowest in society.

Why would the King of kings submit to such humiliation? The answer is simple yet profound: love. Jesus’ obedience to the Father and His love for humanity drove Him to endure the cross, ensuring that we could be reconciled with God.

How does this passage challenge you today? Christ’s humility calls us to lay aside pride, selfish ambition, and entitlement. Are we willing to take on the posture of a servant, even when it costs us something? True humility often requires sacrificial obedience—doing what God asks of us, even when it’s uncomfortable or inconvenient.

Perhaps there is a specific area where God is calling you to humble yourself. Is it in a relationship where forgiveness is needed? Is it in your work, where serving others feels unnoticed? Or maybe God is asking you to lay down a personal ambition to prioritize His kingdom.

Jesus’ humility was not weakness; it was strength rooted in love and obedience. When we walk in humility, we not only reflect Christ, but we also draw closer to Him.

True humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less, following the example of Christ. How can you reflect His humility today?

Lord Jesus, thank You for humbling Yourself and becoming a servant for my sake. Thank You for the cross, where Your love and obedience were on full display. Teach me to walk in humility as You did. Help me to serve others selflessly, obey Your call wholeheartedly, and trust Your plan completely. May my life reflect Your love and bring glory to You. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

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