God Among Us


“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
— John 1:14 (NIV)

Imagine, the Creator of the universe, God Himself, stepping into your life, not as a distant observer but as someone who fully immerses Himself in your joys, struggles, and humanity. This is the powerful truth of John 1:14: The Word became flesh. The eternal God, limitless in power and glory, chose to humble Himself and live as one of us.

This verse is the cornerstone of our faith because it reveals the heart of God. Jesus, the Word, didn’t stay in the perfection of heaven. He entered the messiness of our world to save us. By becoming human, He bridged the gap between God and us. He wasn’t an aloof deity. He walked dusty roads, shared meals, wept at funerals, and felt the sting of rejection and betrayal.

A beautiful example of this is found in Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4). Despite cultural and social boundaries, He engaged her with compassion and truth. He knew her story but didn’t condemn her. Instead, He offered her living water, a fresh start. This encounter is a microcosm of what John 1:14 represents—Jesus stepping into our lives with grace and truth to offer us hope.

Think about your own life. Are there areas where you feel God is distant? John 1:14 reminds us that He isn’t far off; He is near. When we face loneliness, He understands because He experienced it. When we grieve, He comforts because He knows that pain.

Take time today to reflect on how Jesus has been present in your life. Have you noticed His grace in moments of failure or His truth guiding you when you felt lost? He continues to dwell among us through the Holy Spirit, working in our hearts and lives.

Try this, write down three ways you’ve seen God’s grace or truth in your life this week.

1. A prayer that was answered unexpectedly.

2. A moment when someone showed you kindness during a hard day.

3. A conviction that led you to make a better decision.

Invite Jesus into the ordinary moments of your day. As you go about your tasks, pause and whisper a prayer: “Thank You for being with me, Jesus.” Notice how His presence transforms even the mundane into something sacred.

Father, thank You for sending Jesus to dwell among us, to walk in our shoes, and to show us Your glory. Help me to see Your grace and truth in my life today. When I feel alone, remind me that You are near, and when I stumble, lift me with Your love. Thank You for being a God who is not distant but deeply involved in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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