Love One Another


“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
– John 13:34 (NIV)

In John 13:34, Jesus speaks these words to His disciples during His final moments before the cross. This is not just a suggestion or a friendly piece of advice, it is a command. What makes it “new” is the standard Jesus sets: “As I have loved you.” His love was not abstract or theoretical; it was sacrificial, selfless, and unrelenting.

Throughout His ministry, Jesus demonstrated this kind of love. He touched the untouchable, forgave the unforgivable, and served the unworthy. He knelt to wash the feet of His disciples, including Judas, the one who would betray Him. Jesus loved with action and truth, showing us that love is far more than words or feelings, it is a choice to serve others, even when it costs us.

Jesus didn’t love for what He could gain. He loved because it was His nature. He calls us to love with no expectation of return, even when it costs us.

Jesus loved Peter, who would deny Him, and Judas, who would betray Him. He commands us to forgive and love those who have hurt us, recognizing that forgiveness is a reflection of His grace.

The love Jesus modeled is powerful enough to change lives. When we love like Him, it’s not just an emotion, it becomes a testimony that points others to God.

Here are three things you can do to “check the level of your love.”

Examine Your Heart

Ask yourself, “Am I loving others as Jesus has loved me?” This may require humility, forgiveness, or reaching out to someone you’ve avoided.

Show Sacrificial Love

Look for opportunities to serve others today. Whether it’s through a kind word, a generous act, or simply being present, let your actions reflect Christ’s love.

Love Without Condition

Jesus didn’t love based on who deserved it; neither should we. Extend grace to those who are difficult to love, remembering how much grace you have received.

Today, intentionally love someone in a way that mirrors Jesus’ love. It could be an act of service, a word of encouragement, or even forgiving someone who has hurt you. Let your love point them to Christ.

Lord, thank You for the example of Your sacrificial love. Teach me to love as You love—with humility, patience, and grace. Help me to put aside my pride and self-interest so I can serve others selflessly. May my love reflect Your light in a world that desperately needs You. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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