Love as Jesus Loved


“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”
— John 15:12 (NIV)

Jesus’ words in John 15:12 are not merely a suggestion or a recommendation. They are a command, a call to action that embodies the heart of the gospel. To love as Jesus loved is both simple and profound. It challenges us to go beyond convenience and comfort, mirroring the sacrificial, unconditional love Jesus showed us.

Think for a moment about the ways Jesus loved: He healed the sick, fed the hungry, forgave sinners, and washed the feet of His disciples—even knowing one would betray Him. His love transcended circumstances, status, and sin. Ultimately, He demonstrated the ultimate act of love by laying down His life for us.

Think about someone you work with, who constantly criticizes your efforts or maybe a neighbor who seems to always complain. The natural reaction might be to avoid or retaliate. However, Jesus’ command invites us to respond differently. What if you chose to respond with kindness? Perhaps you ask the co-worker how you can better collaborate or bring some cookies to your neighbor to brighten their day. Small actions can demonstrate Christ’s love and plant seeds of grace.

There’s a story about a young man who noticed an elderly woman struggling with her groceries. Though he was in a hurry, he paused to help her carry them home. As they walked, she shared that it had been years since someone had shown her kindness. That simple act of love became a profound reminder to her, and to him, of God’s love in action.

What do we need to do every day to live this out in our daily lives? Ask yourself the following questions everyday for starters.

Who in my life needs to experience Jesus’ love today?

How can I show love through my words, actions, and attitude?

Loving as Jesus loved may require humility, patience, or forgiveness, but the impact is eternal. When we love others as Christ loved us, we reflect His heart to the world.

Today, identify one person who might need encouragement or support. Take a deliberate step to show love, whether through a kind word, a helpful action, or simply listening. In doing so, you fulfill Jesus’ command and become a vessel of His love.

Lord, thank You for loving me with an unconditional and sacrificial love. Help me to love others as You have loved me. Give me the strength to be patient, kind, and forgiving, even when it’s difficult. Let my actions reflect Your heart and bring glory to Your name. Amen.

Pastor Jeff

#LoveGod #LovePeople #FindFreedom #FindYourDesign

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