Week Three - Increasing God's Power in Your Life

Pastor Jeff

Week three of our series presents a powerful reflection on the encouragement needed during both national and personal crises, drawing lessons from the biblical figure of Ezra in the book of Chronicles. The nation of Israel, after facing exile and division, found guidance and encouragement through examples of leadership during the “Kingdom Period” from 1000 B.C. to 600 B.C. Ezra’s purpose is to remind a distressed nation of the lessons learned from its history, focusing on the kings of Judah and their faithfulness to God.

The message begins with an overview of Israel’s historical context, highlighting the reigns of kings like David, Solomon, and Asa. Asa's reign, in particular, offers profound lessons on faithfulness, as his story in 2 Chronicles 14–16 demonstrates how God responds to those who call upon Him. Asa’s prayer during a time of crisis, and God's miraculous victory over the Cushite army, teaches the "Lesson of the Route"—when we call on the Lord, He fights for us.

Ezra's second lesson, the "Lesson of the Revival," emphasizes the importance of seeking God. After the victory, Asa leads the people in a spiritual revival, removing idols and renewing their commitment to God. This illustrates that when we seek the Lord wholeheartedly, He is always found by us. Revival, both personal and national, comes through the deep pursuit of God.

Lastly, the "Lesson of the Rebuke" warns against complacency. Asa, once fervent in his devotion, later faltered by relying on foreign alliances instead of God. This led to God's rebuke, reminding Asa and the people that the Lord strengthens those fully committed to Him. The message closes with a call for renewed devotion, emphasizing that God fortifies and blesses those who give themselves wholeheartedly to Him.

This message challenges us to rely on God in times of crisis, seek Him earnestly, and remain committed in faith, knowing that He will fight for us, revive us, and strengthen us.