The Heart of Heaven

Aug 4, 2024    Pastor Jeff

Have you ever noticed how distance changes our perspective of just about everything? This thought-provoking message explores the transformative power of proximity, drawing parallels between everyday experiences and our relationship with Jesus. 

Imagine waving at someone you think is a friend from afar, only to realize up close it's a stranger. Or a meal that looks delicious from a distance but disappoints at the first bite. Our relationship with Jesus can be much the same—distant and distorted until we allow Him to come close.

The story of Zacchaeus, the wealthy chief tax collector, vividly illustrates this truth. From the vantage point of a sycamore-fig tree, Zacchaeus saw Jesus as an untouchable figure. But when Jesus called him down and entered his home, Zacchaeus' life was transformed from greed to generosity.

Week one of our series delves into the heart of Scripture, revealing God's unwavering desire for closeness with us. Through poignant examples, including Jesus' interaction with the repentant thief on the cross and the parable of the prodigal son, we see a God who relentlessly seeks to bridge the gap between Heaven and humanity.

Join us as we uncover the barriers that keep us at a distance—our self-perception and misconceptions about Jesus—and learn how to overcome them. Discover the profound truth that God loves you deeply and desires an intimate relationship with you. 

Embrace the invitation to draw near to God, and witness how His proximity can radically change your perspective and transform your life.